On reaching station at 7.15 we were presented withfurther Admiralty telegrams suspending our departure... then told that we were to proceed to Greenock. Itwas low water when we arrived at 11.0 p.m. and ...illumined by the precarious flash of an electric torch, wedescended a perpendicular gangway, much as a vampiredescends the rain-water pipe on the outside of a house....Greenock Station rumour says that our mission oftwenty, with ten servants and sixty to eighty pieces ofbaggage, is carrying bullion.... Some little time ona perishingly cold tender, before boarding "Olympic."[203]This ... has been for some little time a troopship;it is in fact heavily loaded with ... Canadian ...wives who are being repatriated; it contains three hundredto four hundred ... babies, all with ... a yellon their lips; finally, it has been waiting for the missionsome six days, being ready to sail last Friday....Consequently, when the Secretary of State mounted thegangway, followed by a score of men carrying a despatch-boxin either hand ... the cheers rang out overthe grey waters of the Clyde. "I cannot help feeling thatthey were ironical," murmured A. J. B., as we sat downto sardines on toast, cold ham and whiskey at midnight....Unconscious of their doom, the little victimscheered, not guessing that the Admiralty's reason forstopping us yesterday was the discovery of a brand-newminefield outside Loch Swilly. I am told that we shallnot start till Saturday, as a further mission, principallyfrom the W.O. and M. of M. is due to start on that day;perhaps we shall wait for it. When, therefore, we arriveor start back, no man can say. Drummond [Mr. Balfour'sprincipal private secretary] thinks it probablethat we shall spend a week in Canada before returning.
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