After doing an exam, we (teachers) prepare a document for our students containing the questions + the answers, so that they can practice at home and know their mistakes after an exam. It's called "La correction de l'examen" / "Le corrigé de l'examen" in French. What is it called in English?
Some of the difficulty in translating directly is cultural. A 'rubric' tells the student how many points each question has and how much for partial credit for correct nuances of the answer, and this may also be used by the graders.
American English File 4 Student Book Answer Key Pdf
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A lot of this answer really say that 'exam' or 'test' or 'answers' is what you call all of these things, and simply qualify that. They are not set phrases 'completed exam' is still the 'exam', just that it happens to be be those that have been written on by students with answers, it's not a special object like it seems to be in French.
A document available after the exam containing correct answers, which students can use to check how well they did, would be called the answer key. This is likely also used while grading the exam. 2ff7e9595c
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