SoftVoice, Inc. has over 25 years of experience in speech synthesis. Thefirst, commercially available, all-software text-to-speech synthesizerfor microcomputers was written by the people at SoftVoice in 1979. S.A.M.(Software Automatic Mouth) was a best-seller on Apple, Atari, and Commodorecomputers. In the early '80s, SoftVoice developed text-to-speechsystems for both Apple and Amiga Corporations for their soon-to-be-releasedmachines. In fact, at its launch in 1984, the Macintosh announced its ownexistence to the public using our software, the original "MacinTalk". The Commodore Amiga had an early SoftVoice text-to-speech system known as the "narrator.device"included in its operating system.To date, there are over 8 millioncopies of the SoftVoice text-to-speech system in use world-wide, makingSoftVoice, Inc. one of the largest providers of text-to-speech in the world. But that's all old news. Read about our new, fifth generationproduct, SVTTS for Windows.
Implemented as Windows DLL's, SoftVoice TTS is a state-of-the-artexpert system for the conversion of unrestricted English text to high qualityspeech in real time. The SoftVoice system is the most versatile in theindustry, with20 different preset voices that the user can quicklyselect according to his or her preference. The programmer or user can alsoalter any of the voices in virtually limitless ways to create totally newvoices. Of course, the usual parameters such as pitch and speaking rate arevariable over a very wide range. The user can also choose between normal,breathy, or whispered vocal qualities. A comprehensive set of over30 different commands can be embedded in the textto control the speech output. SoftVoice even has extensive singing support!Duringspeech, the programmer can elect to receive a variety of different messages backfrom the synthesizer. Program events can be synchronized to speech events suchas start-of-word, start-of-syllable, or user defined locations. Also, accuratemouth shapes can be animated from data supplied by the synthesizer.TheSoftVoice system utilizes letter-to-sound rules, a numeric pre-processor, and adictionary to determine proper word pronunciation. Programmers or users canalso use the SoftVoice exceptions dictionary editor to create their owndictionaries for words or abbreviations not pronounced properly.SVTTSis multi-lingual with English and/or Spanish currently available. Through theuse of embedded commands, the language can beswitched within a sentence. For example, you can write:"spanishTiene un perro loco, english means you have a crazy dog." More languages are under development and will be released in the near future.TheSoftVoice system is built around the concept of formantsynthesis in which we mathematically model the human speech productionmechanism and, in particular, the acoustic resonances (formants) of the vocaltract. As opposed to the time-domain methods (demi-syllable, diphone, etc.)in which pre-recorded pieces of speech are spliced together, formant synthesisis not restricted to a single sounding (or minimally modifiable) vocalpersonality, nor is it constrained to a narrow pitch range. With the SoftVoicesystem, users can customize vocal personalities to suit their individualneeds, everything from a singing choir boy to a menacing Martian. In addition,the SoftVoice formant synthesis algorithm, being continuous and splice free,does not suffer from such artifacts as glitches, gurgling, false consonants,chorusing, etc. that reduce intelligibility and increase listener fatigue. The following is a list of some of the more prominent features of theSoftVoice text-to-speech system:
Atari Speech Synthesizer Mac Download
Voice Spice allows you to quickly adjust the pitch slider, record your voice directly within the browser, and download the altered sound. Besides female and male voice changer, you can choose Space Squirrel, Robot and Hell Demon effects. It also has a text-to-speech generator, where you can input scripts and choose a voice for it. You can use it as a workaround way to change your voice and dub for a video.
Chipspeech is a synthesizer developed by plogue. A retro styled vocal synthesizer created to reproduce vintage vocal synthesizers released in the 20th century. The software acts as stand alone or plug-in software to various DAWs. It can sing and talk and supports two languages: English and Japanese (though Japanese currently does not have talk capability). There are various means to adjust the vocal in the way the user wants, creating some very unique sounds and results.
Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc is a small company specialized in chipbased technology and aiming to recreate chip effects and sounds and apply them to modern technology. Chipspeech was one of their many ideas they planned for years to create, however, they were held back on the means to execute it. Though they had the technology, they lacked the knowledge. The Chipspeech software was born after they hired a member of their development team with Phonetic knowledge, allowing them to come up with ideas on how to create a vocal synthesizer technology.
The program comes with a Template:UW of 142 samples of Japanese syllables generated from the default voice of A-QUEST's text-to-speech software AquesTalk. Any user can load their own voicebank into UTAU to use. However, without the explicit permission of the voice donor, it is a violation of copyright laws. Those laws protect the rights of any vocalist who may not wish for their voices to be used within the program, such as celebrities. Any music made through this program can be used in the commercial sector. UTAU can be downloaded for free from the home page. It will not run properly on computers which do not support Japanese text or AppLocale.
VOCALINA (보카리나) is a "text to speech" singing synthesizer and DAW for personal music-related content. It was developed in October 2011 by TGENS Co., Ltd. On September 25, 2017, it was announced by the CEO (Kang Woo-Mo) that VOCALINA's Service would be terminated on October 1, 2017. Contrary to this, on the 29th of September in 2017, the CEO announced they would work to extend the service for one more year, as thanks to the community for their encouragement and support. Additionally, VOCALINA would be free to use until the service expired.
In terms of the quality of singing results, the engine produces a large amount of noise, despite the noise reduction engine implemented into the program. This is likely due to the synthesis method itself being Diphonetic Synthesis, a type of concatenative speech synthesis notorious for sonic glitches. Many users of singing synthesizers are familiar with this type of synthesis, as it is used in singing synthesizers like UTAU.
Festival Speech Synthesis System is a free (libre) / open-source software speech synthesizer developed at the Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR) of the University of Edinburgh. In order to enable Festival to sing, there is a plugin required called Flinger (Festival Singer) developed at the OGI School of Science and Engineering that was released in 2001. Free(b)soft has contributed Czech diphone voices and an accessible editor similar to the VOCALOID editor. 2ff7e9595c